Computer Programming languages are used to write instructions that computers can understand and execute. They allow us to create software applications, websites, games, and much more. If you are a beginner in the field of programming, then this article will help you understand the basics of computer programming languages.

Choose a ProgrammingLanguage

There are many programming languages to choose from, such as Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, and many more. Each language has its strengths and weaknesses, and you should choose the one that best fits your project requirements. If you are just starting out, Python is a popular choice for beginners due to its simplicity and ease of use.

Learn the Basic Concepts

Once you have chosen a programming language, the next step is to learn the basic concepts of programming. These include variables, data types, operators, loops, conditional statements, and functions. Understanding these concepts will enable you to write simple programs and build a strong foundation for more complex projects.

Practice Coding

Programming is a skill that requires practice to master. The best way to learn programming is by writing code. Start by writing small programs, such as a program that prints “Hello World” on the screen. As you progress, you can move on to more complex programs and projects.

Use Online Resources

There are many online resources available to help you learn programming. Websites like Codecademy, Udemy, and Coursera offer courses and tutorials in various programming languages. You can also find free resources like YouTube videos and blogs that teach programming concepts.

Join a Programming Community

Joining a programming community is a great way to learn from other programmers. You can ask questions, share your code, and get feedback from others. There are many online programming communities, such as Reddit’s r/learnprogramming and Stack Overflow.


Debugging is an essential skill for any programmer. It involves finding and fixing errors in your code. The best way to debug is by using print statements to print out the values of variables and check if they are correct. You can also use debugging tools like IDEs and debuggers to find and fix errors.


Reading other people’s code is an excellent way to learn programming. You can learn new programming techniques and get ideas for your own projects. There are many open-source projects available on websites like GitHub that you can explore.

Build Projects

Building projects is the best way to apply your programming skills. It allows you to practice writing code and apply the concepts you have learned. Start with small projects, such as building a calculator or a simple game, and work your way up to more complex projects.


In conclusion, learning a programming language is an excellent way to improve your problem-solving skills and prepare for a career in tech. Remember to choose a language that fits your project requirements, learn the basic concepts, practice coding, use online resources, join a programming community, debug your code, read other people’s code, and build projects. With dedication and hard work, you can become a skilled programmer and create amazing things with code.